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Hanuman Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's

Late. Ramesh Warpudkar
Arts, Commerce & Science College Sonpeth

Permanently Affiliated to SRTM University Nanded.

Principal's Message

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NEWS: NAAC Peer team is visiting to college on 17th & 18th February 2025. View File    ||    NEWS: राज्यस्तरीय आंतरमहाविद्यालयीन वक्तृत्व स्पर्धा २०२४-२५ View File    ||    NEWS: राज्यस्तरीय आंतरमहाविद्यालयीन वक्तृत्व स्पर्धा २०२४-२५ View File    ||    NEWS: Advertisement for Assistant Professors (CHB) View File    ||    NEWS: Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professors on Clock Hour Basis View File    ||    NEWS: One Day National Level ICSSR Sponsored Seminar on Cooperative Sector in India : Opportunities and Challenges organized on 23/03/2024 at Vaidyanath College Parli (V) View File    ||    


Prin Dr. V. D. Satpute

‘Reaching to the Unreached’

At the very outset, I extend my warmest greetings to each member of our esteemed family - our students, parents, teachers, staff, and community people. At this institute, we try to prioritize the holistic development and success of every individual within our community. We remain committed to fostering an environment that nurtures creativity, critical thinking, and inclusivity, ensuring that each student progresses academically, socially, and emotionally.Hanuman ShikshanPrasarakMandal’s Late Ramesh Warpudkar ACS College, Sonpeth is in the service of the vicinity since 1994. Before the establishment of the college, the students of the region had to go to the district place for their higher education. In 1990s, people of the region were expecting somebody to initiate and begin senior college in this area. The founder President, Late RajabauKadam, established Hanuman ShikshanPrasakMandal in 1993. Late Ramesh Warpudkar ACS College is the first unit of the Mandal which started in 1994.The very motto of our institute is ‘Dnayanat Dharma TatahSukham’meaning, our happiness lies in imparting the knowledge. Since the challenge before us was to reach to the students living in remote parts of the sonpeth vicinity, we have our vision as ‘Reaching to the Unreached’.

The objective of the institute is to provide higher education to rural masses in general and girls in particular. In those days girls were not being sent to other places for their higher studies. Today the college had its own building with spacious playground and highly qualified teaching staff. The staff is dedicated to provide qualitative and value based higher education. The college is permanently affiliated to SRTM University Nanded and included under 2(F) and 12(B) of UGC in 2006. The staff of the college is dedicated to the all-round personality development of the students. The activities like: wall poster publication, participation in Avishkar Research Festival, Seminars, Annual Magazine, General Knowledge Competition, Group discussions, NSS and cultural activities, ICT based teaching etc provide exposure to the hidden talent among students. The college has developed the best practices like: Book Donation, Mata-Pita Adhar, Elocution Competition,Student Adoption Scheme etc. The teaching staff of the college is well qualified and 95% staff possesses Ph. D. as highest educational qualification. The management have provided staff quarters in the campus itself to all the employees of the college. It helps all stakeholders to be in touch with the faculty whenever necessary. The college has completed the first cycle of NAAC Accreditation in February 2015 and awarded with Grade ‘B’. We are expected to face the NAAC cycle II in January 2024.

The college has Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) which ensures all round development of the students. In order to procure the opportunities of employment, the college is planning to begin the skill based and short term certificate courses. Since students are in the centre of the college, we think that the welfare of the society and nation lies in the welfare of students. I urge all of you to be sincere and regular in the classrooms. Your presence in the classroom is the only medium to achieve our goals. Your disciplined behavior in college campus will enhance our reputation. The campus is under CCTV surveillance and no unlawful event will be tolerated. Students should note that Ragging, smoking spitting and chewing tobacco is strictly prohibited in college campus. You must know that the infrastructure in the college belongs to you and hence the optimum use and its protection depend upon you. I hope that students will participate in various activities of the college and play an important role in keeping the institution at the peak of success which was the dream of our founder president Late Rajabhau D. Kadam.I appeal all the parents to enroll their children in this college for their better future. I wish all the best for the stakeholders of the college.I encourage each stakeholder to actively engage in our shared vision of providing a supportive and inspiring learning environment. Let us embrace open communication, collaboration, and mutual respect to empower our students and uphold our commitment to educational excellence. As we venture into this academic year, let us uphold our values, support one another, and strive for excellence in all endeavors. Under the academic leadership of Hon. President of the institution Shri PermeshwarKadam, we are all set to implement the New Education Policy 2020 from 2024-25. Thank you for your tremendous support and dedication to this institute.

Prin Dr. V. D. Satpute

Principal-Late. Ramesh Warpudkar Arts, Commerce & Science College, Sonpeth.

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