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Hanuman Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's

Late. Ramesh Warpudkar
Arts, Commerce & Science College Sonpeth

Permanently Affiliated to SRTM University Nanded.

President's Message

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President's Message

Shri. P.R. Kadam

‘ज्ञानात धर्म तत: सूखम’

The very motto of HanumanShikshanPrasarakMandal goes like: ‘DnayanatDharamaTatahaSukham’ meaning righteousness comes from knowledge and happiness comes from righteousness.It emphasizes the idea that true happiness stems from knowledge and understanding which leads one to follow the path of righteousness or dharma, ultimately resulting in happiness.Hence our happiness lies in imparting the knowledge. Hanuman ShikshanPrasarakMandal’s Late Ramesh Warpudkar ACS College, Sonpeth is in the service of the vicinity since 1994. The town Sonpeth literally means a ‘Store of Gold’. The town had a significant status in the region of Nizam of Hydrabad. After independence, the town lost its administrative importance and remained neglected. This college was 80 Kms. away from district place and away from highway which resulted in slowing down its progress. Before the establishment of the college, the students of the region had to go to the district place for their higher education. In 1990s, people of the region were expecting somebody to initiate and begin senior college for the students of this area. The founder President, Late RajabauKadam, established Hanuman ShikshanPrasakMandal in 1993. Late Ramesh Warpudkar ACS College is the first unit of the Mandal which started in 1994.

The objective of the institute is to provide higher education to rural masses in general and girl students in particular because girls were not being sent to other places for their further studies. Today the college had its own building with spacious playground and highly qualified teaching staff. The staff is dedicated to provide qualitative and value based higher education. The college is permanently affiliated to SRTM University Nanded and included under 2(F) and 12(B) of UGC in 2006. Since the beginning of the college, our attempts are towards attaining the excellence in education. The executive members are very keen to accelerate the qualitative growth of the college. As a part of these attempts, the management helped its employees to build the staff quarters in college campus which helped in providing more service to stakeholders. The staff of the college is dedicated to the all round personality development of the students. The college has Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) which ensures the all round development of students. In order to procure the opportunities of employment, the institute is planning to begin the skill based courses. Since students are in the centre of the college, we think that the welfare of the society and nation lies in the welfare of students. You must know that the infrastructure in the college belongs to you and hence the optimum use and its protection depend upon you. I hope that students will participate in various activities of the college and play an important role in keeping the institution at the peak of success which was the dream of our founder president Late Rajabhau D. Kadam. I wish all the best for the stakeholders of the college. The institution has prepared to implement the New Education Policy 2020 from the academic year 2023-24. I hope that this new policy will empower the students with various means to combat the world.

P.R. Kadam.

HSPM Sonpeth.

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